The Parousians are a community of friends who formed a Catholic philosophical and literary society, concerned primarily with discerning the culture with worldviews thoroughly informed by the Catholic faith, with revitalizing Catholic intellectual life without forfeiting obedience, and with carrying the New Evangelization into the academy. Our common foundation is a commitment to excellence in thoughtful inquiry and endeavor rooted in dynamic orthodoxy, characterized by loyalty to the Church, to her teaching, and to the Vicar of Christ, the Pope.
Our primary methods include creating study circles that will delve deeply into issues of faith and culture, fostering a network of local groups and individuals who share in this vision, providing educational opportunities and practical experience for emerging Catholic thinkers, offering support for other thinkers considering the Catholic faith, and creatively using various media forms to evangelize intellectual life.
Our emphasis includes resisting the tyranny of relativism; opening the eyes of our peers to a sacramental vision of life; shining a light on the rich intellectual tradition of Catholicism; recovering the sense of the sacred; developing a complete apologetic rooted in truth, beauty and goodness; uncovering the classics of Catholic spirituality; and promoting the teaching of the Holy Father.
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on Wednesday, September 17, 2008
at Wednesday, September 17, 2008
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philosophical evangelization,
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